Today I was writing a lockdown recount.
I found it easy to write it in paragraphs.
I found it hard to use discriptive words in my writing.
Next time I would add more verbs and adverbs.
At alert level 3 lockdown, the schools were closed and
nobody was allowed to go outside, except for the essential
workers. This all happened because of the virus that was
leaked in China, Wuhan. During level 3 lockdown, the roads
were very quiet, there were hardly any cars on the roads.
Even though it was quiet outside, I could hear the birds
chirping on the green trees. I was a bit happy and a bit sad,
at the same time. I was happy because I was allowed to play
a bit more call of duty on my tablet, with my friends, but I
was sad because I wasn’t allowed to go outside for bike
A few days later…
It had been a while staying at home, so I decided to start
coding. I used to attend coding classes, so I knew quite a lot
of coding.
Well today, in the afternoon, I decided to do coding, on
visual studio code. On that site, I learned that I can make
my own website, but I will have to learn the language
Javascript, Html, CSS, etc. So I asked my brother to help
me because I am not a master coder. He has a lot of
knowledge about coding and programming. So I started
coding, with his instructions. While I was coding, my
brother also told me that “It takes a long time to finish a
website”. Also, I need to learn a lot of new things about
5 weeks in the lockdown…
It was not that bad staying at home and doing lots of work.
I loved doing things at home, like making forts, doing
studyladder, cooking pikelets, and doing maths buddy.
Today I was carrying on with my tasks because my Mum said
so. I kind of like maths buddy because it is good for kids like
my age and other ages. Maths buddy is all about maths. You
can learn measurement, addition, subtraction, multiplication,
and more maths. I think it is a wonderful site for kids who
want to get better at math.
2 weeks later…
It was awesome staying at home because after I had done
my study, I was allowed to play call of duty with my friends.
We all played together on our Ipads. Once we had started
playing battle royale, nobody could even disturb us because
the thing was that I had headphones on. I loved playing cod
mobile with my friends because we all like gun games and
secondly, we can meet each other and talk privately.
On other days, I usually play with my brother because my
friends are only allowed on Tuesday. We all have lots of fun,
especially me. The End.