Friday, 24 July 2020

Maths Emoji #2

Today I was answering some number line questions because it was a task for me to do in maths.
I never found anything hard at all.
I found it easy to answer the questions that involved the number line in it because my teacher gave me an example of it.
Next time I do a different picture.

Faith Value

Today I was making a poster about faith value because it is our value for term 3 and also the winner gets 25 blessing beads for their house.
I actually found nothing that challenging for this task.
I found it easy to find the quotes and the synonyms for Faith. I searched on Google for quotes that related to the word faith.
Next time, I would add more information and find more about this word.

Evaluation activity

Today I was filling out evaluation questions because it was a task for reading.
I found it hard to fill out the second one because it was quite hard to spot the correct answer.
I actually found nothing easy in this task that I did.
Next time I would add more information.

Cyclone Bola

Today I was making a poster about Cyclone bola the book. I found it hard to get the fonts because I had to go on a text generator to get them. I found it easy to get the cyclone image because I used google image. Next time I would add more detail.

Thursday, 23 July 2020

Maths Emoji

Today I was answering the maths multiplication questions because it was my maths task.
I enjoyed finishing the task because I love multiplication and maths.
I actually didn't find anything hard but I struggled to finish it on time.

Monday, 13 July 2020


Why are Mum’s so important?
Do you know why Mums are so important to us?

Well if you don’t know then I will tell you today. Mums are
important to us because they're the ones who gave birth to us.
They help us in our work and make us healthy food so we can
grow stronger and healthier. Sometimes Mums growl us which
we think is bad but they do it for our own good. They are the
ones who teach us manners. If we don’t listen to our Mums then
we will not have success in life. So I say that we all listen to our
Mums and not get angry at them.