Thursday, 26 November 2020

Turanga Festival The Haka

This is the Turanga festival Haka that the boys did.
I was quite afraid and nervous when I was doing it.


Wednesday, 11 November 2020

Art colouring book

 Today I was making a colourful painting on Taj Mahal.

I found it hard to make the ground grass because it was really small.

I found it easy to fill in the big spaces with my cursor.

Here is the original version and the second version is my colourful one.

Monday, 9 November 2020

What is matter made of?

Today I was making a book about what is matter made of.
I found it easy to get the backgrounds and images.
I found it hard to get the facts.
Next time I will add more information in the gas and solid.
Click here to see my book

Writing a Letter to thank people at camp

 Gurpuneet S

40 Campion rd Gisborne


Dear Francois,

I'm writing to you today to thank you for giving me secret tips about how to shoot and hold a slingshot and helping me out.

One of my highlights for me was playing the wonderful game of survivors. I was an omnivore and I could only kill some of the herbivores. The aim of the game was to stay alive and kill other animals. The only people you couldn't get was the diseases and the people because the people had guns {Not real guns}. To win we had to get the whole punched in a card that we were given before the game started. I have to say some adults are way too fast for me.

So thank you very much for making my camp extremely enjoyable than ever. Also you're quite an assassin in slingshot paintball since you have been learning for about a year or so.

Aroha Nui Korua


Thursday, 5 November 2020

Remembrance Garden


Today we were learning about All Souls Day.