Tuesday, 29 December 2020

Playing Interland

 Today I was playing Interland, a game where it tells us all about kindness and being safe online. I enjoyed playing it and learning how to be safe online and what things are real and fake. I even got a certificate for reality river.  Here is the link if you want to play it and be safer online https://beinternetawesome.withgoogle.com/en_us/interland

Friday, 25 December 2020

Te Huarere


Today I was learning about weather forecasts in Maori.
I learned lots of words such as He aha te tohu huarere? which means What is the weather forecast?
I quite enjoyed doing this lesson and learning words in Maori even though I only speak English and Indian.


Today I was making a star.
When I looked at the activity I was supposed to make stars that were little but I found a star and made one that looks like this. 

All you need is 20 x 20 piece of paper 

I got an a4 piece of paper and then got my ruler and cut it up until it was 20 x 20.  
Then I watched this video HERE is the link. 

Once I had finished my one looked like this:

Christmas song


Thursday, 26 November 2020

Turanga Festival The Haka

This is the Turanga festival Haka that the boys did.
I was quite afraid and nervous when I was doing it.


Wednesday, 11 November 2020

Art colouring book

 Today I was making a colourful painting on Taj Mahal.

I found it hard to make the ground grass because it was really small.

I found it easy to fill in the big spaces with my cursor.

Here is the original version and the second version is my colourful one.

Monday, 9 November 2020

What is matter made of?

Today I was making a book about what is matter made of.
I found it easy to get the backgrounds and images.
I found it hard to get the facts.
Next time I will add more information in the gas and solid.
Click here to see my book

Writing a Letter to thank people at camp

 Gurpuneet S

40 Campion rd Gisborne


Dear Francois,

I'm writing to you today to thank you for giving me secret tips about how to shoot and hold a slingshot and helping me out.

One of my highlights for me was playing the wonderful game of survivors. I was an omnivore and I could only kill some of the herbivores. The aim of the game was to stay alive and kill other animals. The only people you couldn't get was the diseases and the people because the people had guns {Not real guns}. To win we had to get the whole punched in a card that we were given before the game started. I have to say some adults are way too fast for me.

So thank you very much for making my camp extremely enjoyable than ever. Also you're quite an assassin in slingshot paintball since you have been learning for about a year or so.

Aroha Nui Korua


Thursday, 5 November 2020

Remembrance Garden


Today we were learning about All Souls Day.

Tuesday, 13 October 2020

Top 5 places to go in gisborne

 Click here to read my book

Thursday, 24 September 2020

Animal collage

In our class, we were making cat and dog collage for an art exhibition.
I found it hard to find different colored strips to glue on.
I enjoyed making my cat's eyes.

Chinese Language week


This week our class was learning about Chinese words because it is Chinese language week.
I found it hard to get the football image's because I had to remove the background on all of them.
I found it easy to get the words because I used google translate and translated the words into Chinese.

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Photo collage Rugby league

Today our class was playing rugby with Turanga health. 
We played games like touch rugby, capture the balls, and more. 
The coach's names were Richard and Luke.
They taught us how to pass only backward and not forwards in rugby. 
In the game capture the ball we had two teams, the girl's team, and the boy's team. We had to dodge the opposite team and avoid getting touch by them otherwise you will have to go around the sign and go back to your side, but if you don't get tagged then you can get the ball from the ground and hold up in the air to get a point before the other team gets all of them.

Room 2 raps

Today our class was learning all about the Sacraments of initiation.

First, we wrote our raps on google docs and then the teacher printed them out. 

After we were done, the teacher videoed us while doing our raps.

It took us about 4 to 5 days to write our raps.

Information report poster


Today I was finishing of my information report poster.
I found it difficult to make the bomb with shapes and callouts.
I found it easy to get the background the rocks and most of the other text's.
Next time I would add more slides with more information of my creature.

Weta Research


Weta is a creature that is alive now and used to be in dinosaur time. Weta’s name means the god of ugly things. These animals are nocturnal which means they sleep at day time and then wake up at night time. Did you know that there are 70 different species of weta. This creature's full name is Wetapunga.

Did you know that these creatures don’t have a nose and if they want something to eat they use their antennae to feel the food. They use their pulps to eat food. Weta’s can grow upto 10 centimetres long in length. These weta’s antennas are longer than their body’s.

Tree weta’s live in forest and cave weta’s live in caves. Some of these weta’s live in shrubland. Different species of weta’s live in different places.

Weta’s can shed their skin 10 times a year. Did you know that female weta’s can lay 6 eggs a time. Weta’s poo are fertilizers. Female weta can lay 300 eggs throughout their life.

Monday, 21 September 2020

Do you know what CST means {Catholic Social Teaching}

I found it difficult to add the background and the information.
I found it easy to get the text and the shapes. 
Next time I would add more detail and information.

Monday, 14 September 2020

Is football the best sport

Don’t you think that football is the best sport in the world?  Well I think it is,

because it helps you work in a team and be active.

In this speech I will be telling you about ways to curve the ball into the goal,

playing actively and some

of the famous players that play soccer. 

I strongly believe that soccer is a wonderful sport to play,

because then you can learn different skills. Soccer is an outside sport,

which helps you go outside and make you stop staring at the tv all day.

In soccer you have to be athletic and try to control the ball.

The aim of the game is to get past other players and score a goal.

You can’t always score a goal, but sometimes if you are lucky then it might go in.

If you are very close to the goal and you have clear space

then you can have a try shooting with your foot. Also if you are on the

left side of the field and you are a right footer then have a try curving the ball by hitting it with your right foot but on the top,

always aim for the middle so it goes to the side and confuses the goalie.

Approximately, there are over 250 million soccer players that play soccer every year.

In poor countries, people make soccer balls and play football with no gear.

If you keep practising and practising soccer then there would be a

chance of you joining a club. Even though it is a fun game, you might get injured

sometimes if you are not that careful. 

Lastly, soccer is a team sport played with 11 players each side and the others are subs.

Soccer is played on a big grassy area called a pitch.

Famous players know lots of skills especially, Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi, Luis Suarez.  

In conclusion, I believe that I have told you everything about soccer skills,

famous players and ways to shoot. I hope you liked my speech and the things

I told you, The end.

Success Criteria:

Self Assessment😀😀😀😀

I have used my first technique to enhance my writing


I have used my second technique to enhance my writing


I have used my third technique to enhance my writing


Use at least three different (FEARRR) persuasive techniques in your writing.

Rhetorical question, emotive language and fact's and opinions.

Active Reflection: 

My Reflection

What have I done well?

I have done lots of facts and opinions.

Next step:

Next time i need more rhetorical questions and emotive language.

Monday, 31 August 2020

Information report writing

WALHT: write a personal comment or reflection to end our writing

Self Assessment 


I will explain the dynamics using powerful verbs and adjectives.


I will let the audience know what I learnt.


I will finish my report with a personal comment or reflection.



The cheetah is one of the fastest cats in the cat family such as lion’s, jaguars and more. Cheetahs are mammals and their scientific name is Acinonyx Jubatus. The Cheetah’s family name is Felidae. These creatures are carnivores which means they eat meat. In Africa and central Iran, the native animal is the cheetah. The rare species of cheetahs is the king cheetah and instead of black spots it has black blotches.

Cheetahs have black tear marks near their eyes because it helps them reflect the sun during daytime hunting. Did you know that cheetahs can’t roar but instead make a high pitched noise. When a baby cheetah is born it has a grey mane going down its back so other creatures can’t see them in their hiding places, while their parents are gone to get food. A fully grown adult's tail is 80cm long, that's about as long as a big wooden 1 metre ruler. 

Cheetahs are native to Africa and central Iran. You can find cheetahs in the Sahara desert, India and sometimes in Pakistan. In Africa there are lots of cheetahs in the Savannah where they find food.

Did you know that cheetahs can run upto 100m in less than 3 seconds. When a cheetah is running after its prey It can move its body in mid air. Cheetahs can accelerate from 0 to 60mph in 5 seconds. Like other animals cheetahs can not retract their claws. When a cheetah is looking straight it can see left and right at the same time. I think cheetahs should get looked after and cared but not hunted because they are lovely animals that don’t often hurt humans.

Written by: Gurpuneet

Friday, 24 July 2020

Maths Emoji #2

Today I was answering some number line questions because it was a task for me to do in maths.
I never found anything hard at all.
I found it easy to answer the questions that involved the number line in it because my teacher gave me an example of it.
Next time I do a different picture.

Faith Value

Today I was making a poster about faith value because it is our value for term 3 and also the winner gets 25 blessing beads for their house.
I actually found nothing that challenging for this task.
I found it easy to find the quotes and the synonyms for Faith. I searched on Google for quotes that related to the word faith.
Next time, I would add more information and find more about this word.

Evaluation activity

Today I was filling out evaluation questions because it was a task for reading.
I found it hard to fill out the second one because it was quite hard to spot the correct answer.
I actually found nothing easy in this task that I did.
Next time I would add more information.

Cyclone Bola

Today I was making a poster about Cyclone bola the book. I found it hard to get the fonts because I had to go on a text generator to get them. I found it easy to get the cyclone image because I used google image. Next time I would add more detail.

Thursday, 23 July 2020

Maths Emoji

Today I was answering the maths multiplication questions because it was my maths task.
I enjoyed finishing the task because I love multiplication and maths.
I actually didn't find anything hard but I struggled to finish it on time.

Monday, 13 July 2020


Why are Mum’s so important?
Do you know why Mums are so important to us?

Well if you don’t know then I will tell you today. Mums are
important to us because they're the ones who gave birth to us.
They help us in our work and make us healthy food so we can
grow stronger and healthier. Sometimes Mums growl us which
we think is bad but they do it for our own good. They are the
ones who teach us manners. If we don’t listen to our Mums then
we will not have success in life. So I say that we all listen to our
Mums and not get angry at them.  

Monday, 29 June 2020

Teeth Writing


As the breezing wind hit the two men, in the distance on a rocking boat. All they could see was the enormous mountains, covered in trees and bushes. The sea was calm with ripples in it. The trees were swaying and the two of them could sea themselves in the crystal clear water. The two were fishing for fish and enjoying their time with the wonderful nature and air, that was crossing past them, as they were trying to catch some fish. The both of them were enjoying there day together.

Cuz Te Reo

Today I was translating Maori words into English.
I found it hard to get the text from the book.
I found it easy to get the background and the text of the words.
Next time I will add more detail.

Thursday, 25 June 2020

Cuz Missing Person poster

Today I was making a poster on a girl named Huia who was in the book Cuz.
I found it hard to get the image of her t-shirt because I had to go to the internet and get a screenshot of it.
I found it easy to get the hair and make the face of her because I used png image and tools from the tools box.
Next time I will make her whole body from face to toe.

Monday, 22 June 2020

Question chart

Today I was filling in a question chart.
I found it difficult to answer the bit why and how.
I found it easy to fill in the who, when, and also get the picture of the book.
Next time I will add more detail.

Vocabulary synonym's

Today I was making a poster about synonym.
I found it hard to find the words from the article.
I found it easy to find the synonyms for the words because I went into a site of synonyms.
Next time i will add different words.

Answers why people went missing

Today i was answering questions about the articles about missing people
I found it hard to Get the answers.
I found it easy to write the question because i looked at my site where it had them.

Question: Why did people go missing in both of the articles.
Answer:I think Because of the disasters that have happened.

Question: How did people contact their family's
Answer: They have set some websites so they can contact their family's.

Question:Why do you think
Answer:I think the people wanted to see it but ended up missing and dieing.

Thursday, 18 June 2020

Survival in the bush

Today I was making a poster about the story cuz and also about the trampers that survived a helicopter crash.
I found it hard add the background and text colours.
I found it easy to get the images because I used google insert.
Next time I would add a section for food too.

Tuesday, 16 June 2020

The meaning of Transubstantiation.

The meaning of Transubstantiation is..... Well, basically it is a miracle that turns bread and wine into the body of christ.

Wednesday, 10 June 2020

Phishing and scams

Today we are learning to make gifs about phishing and scams.
I enjoyed making a gif
I found it challenging to download the gif in my drive.
Next time I will do more backgrounds and text.

The choice

Today I was completing my reading tasks.
I found it hard to get the image of the book title because I could not get it in the right place.
I found it easy to write the answers.
Next time i will add more detail.

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

Symbol of the Holy Trinity

Today I was making a poster of the holy trinity.
I found it difficult to find the correct fidget spinner for my poster.
I found it easy to get the background because I used gradiant colour.
Next time I will add more detail.

Friday, 5 June 2020

Matariki quiz

Today I was making a Matariki quiz.
I found it hard to link the slides to the correct slides because I kept forgetting the slide number.
I found it easy to find the background on the google image search.
Next time I will try to add harder questions.

Wednesday, 3 June 2020

Lockdown recount writing

Today I was writing a lockdown recount.
I found it easy to write it in paragraphs.
I found it hard to use discriptive words in my writing.
Next time I would add more verbs and adverbs.

At alert level 3 lockdown, the schools were closed and
nobody was allowed to go outside, except for the essential
workers. This all happened because of the virus that was
leaked in China, Wuhan. During level 3 lockdown, the roads
were very quiet, there were hardly any cars on the roads.

Even though it was quiet outside, I could hear the birds
chirping on the green trees. I was a bit happy and a bit sad,
at the same time. I was happy because I was allowed to play
a bit more call of duty on my tablet, with my friends, but I
was sad because I wasn’t allowed to go outside for bike

A few days later…

It had been a while staying at home, so I decided to start
coding. I used to attend coding classes, so I knew quite a lot
of coding. 
Well today, in the afternoon, I decided to do coding, on
visual studio code. On that site, I learned that I can make
my own website, but I will have to learn the language
Javascript, Html, CSS, etc. So I asked my brother to help
me because I am not a master coder. He has a lot of
knowledge about coding and programming. So I started
coding, with his instructions. While I was coding, my
brother also told me that “It takes a long time to finish a
website”. Also, I need to learn a lot of new things about

5 weeks in the lockdown…

It was not that bad staying at home and doing lots of work.
I loved doing things at home, like making forts, doing
studyladder, cooking pikelets, and doing maths buddy.
Today I was carrying on with my tasks because my Mum said
so. I kind of like maths buddy because it is good for kids like
my age and other ages. Maths buddy is all about maths. You
can learn measurement, addition, subtraction, multiplication,
and more maths. I think it is a wonderful site for kids who
want to get better at math.

2 weeks later…
It was awesome staying at home because after I had done
my study, I was allowed to play call of duty with my friends.
We all played together on our Ipads. Once we had started
playing battle royale, nobody could even disturb us because
the thing was that I had headphones on. I loved playing cod
mobile with my friends because we all like gun games and
secondly, we can meet each other and talk privately.
On other days, I usually play with my brother because my
friends are only allowed on Tuesday. We all have lots of fun,
especially me. The End.

Cuz Character

Today I was making a Cuz character.
I found it hard to do the feeling of the character because I could not think of anything.
I actually found nothing easy because most of them were hard.
Next time I will add more detail and tell more things that she does.

Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Flexi science

Today I was doing some flexi science in science time.
I found it hard to complete the dropper popper thing.
I found it easy to do the boinks because it was a easy task.
Next time I will change some answer's.

Nz Music

Today I was making a poster of NZ music month.
I found it hard to get the right colour for the background because the words would not blend in.
I found it easy to get the colour of the title because I used gradient colour.
Next time i will add more detail.

Wednesday, 27 May 2020

Jesus ascending to heaven

Today I was making a google drawing poster about jesus ascending to heaven because it was a RE lesson.
I found it hard to find the people and mary on insert image because they were way at the bottom.
I found it easy to find the clouds and the body of jesus because for the cloud I just typed up cloud png and it came up.
Next time I will try to add more people because this time I could not do that many people.

Thursday, 14 May 2020

Maths buddy how to do a task

Today I was making a maths buddy video if you want to see it click here.
I actually found nothing hard in this task.
I found it easy to finish my lessons.
Next time I will do some different lessons.

My ewok Multiplication

Today I was making a drawing about  Ewok in star wars.
I found it hard to colour in the light brown and dark brown.
I found it easy to colour in blue.
Next time I will do a different star wars characters.

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

My bug

Today I was making a yucky bug
I found it hard to make circles with paper.
I found it easy to draw spots on it's back
Next time I will add more detail because this time I was in a bit of a hurry.

My Mystery Story

Today I was writing a mystery story.
I found it hard to think of some words.
I found it easy to make the story up by myself.
Next time I will add more verbs and nouns.

On a wonderful morning, when I was about to have a cup of coffee, my phone rang. I answered it and it was Mrs, Aperahama. She said that there was a mystery case, somebody had stolen her chocolates from her table. I said “I am coming” and then I left the phone on my couch. I put on my best detective suit. Then I quickly headed outside. Outside, my best shining red Ferrari car was waiting for me. I jumped into my car and went to Saint Mary's School to investigate the mystery case. When I got there, I saw Mrs, Aperahama. She said that this case happened only thirty-seven minutes ago. I asked her “what kind of chocolates were they?”. She answered, “The brand of the chocolates was dairy milk”. Then I went inside the office and there were three teachers standing there. I asked them their names. They said “Miss McGuigan, Mrs B, and Miss Hickling”. One by one, I started asking them questions about the case. I started with the principal, Miss McGuigan. She said “I was on the sports department site, working on my computer when Mrs Aperahama came and started yelling “my chocolates, my chocolates, they are stolen”. When I was about to investigate from the next teacher, the bell rang and I had to let them go on duty.

During lunch, Mrs B came to me, while I was checking room 3. She said that there was something she had to show me. I followed her into room 2 and she pointed at the rubbish bin. I was about to say that you are just playing with me when I saw millions and billions of wrappers of dairy milk chocolates. I said, “wow, this is an awesome clue”. She also said,” when she was passing by room 2, she saw a teacher throwing chocolates in the bin.” I asked her if she saw her face. She said, “No, but the person was a woman that had blond hair”. I said, “Thanks for telling me the clue”. After lunch, I talked to Miss Hickling about a person throwing chocolate wrappers into room 2’s bin.
She didn’t say anything and looked very very worried. I said did you steal Mrs Aperahama’s chocolates? She said n-nn-nnn--nno-no. I looked at her very suspiciously and then finally she said, “Yes, I did do it”. Everybody was shocked. Then she told me that she had cravings for the chocolates, But I knew Mrs Aperahama wouldn’t let me eat her chocolates. That's Why I stole the chocolates.
So then the thief is……………. MISS HICKLING. The End.

My flappy bird game

Today I created this flappy bird game here check it out.click here
I found it hard to finish the code.
I found it easy to play the game when it was finished.
Next time I will add more code

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Crack the code

Today i was solving numbers because it was my task by my teacher.
I actually found nothing hard at all.
I found it easy to do the subtraction.
Next time I will do solve different codes.

Reuse Reduce Recycle

Today i was making a poster about Reuse Reduce Recycle.
I found it hard to find the facts.
I found it easy to make the background and the colour of the text.
Next time i will add more facts.

what is programming

Today i was doing computer programming.
I found it hard to use the numbers to make the program.
I found it easy to do the part of the ellipse.
Next time i will do more kinds of programs.

Binary code

Today i was trying to make  binary code and trying to understand it.
I actually found nothing hard at all.
I found it easy to make the 45 dots in only two goes.
Next time i will do different numbers.

Monday, 11 May 2020

My scratch game

Today I was making a simple game on scratch.
I actually found nothing hard at all because it was just simple coding that our class did.
I found it easy to record my voice and make the people chat.
Next time I will make this a bit more interesting and do more coding to improve this
Here is my coding

Design Thinking

Today i was finishing my Design and thinking task.
I found it hard to think about the problem.
I found it easy to draw the poster.
If you were wondering what the words say, they say: Research coding, practise coding and then become a pro at coding.

Hehu Karaiti

In my class we had to match the statements.
I found it hard to find the answers.
I found it easy to colour the boxes after i found the answers.

Friday, 8 May 2020


Today I was finding leaves and putting them in there colour order.
I found it hard to find the leaves because it was night time.
I found it easy to line them up in order.
Next time I will add more leaves because this time I had to find them quickly.

My coriander

Today I was planting coriander.
I found it hard to put in the seeds.
I found it easy to water them.
Next time I will plant different vegetables and fruit.

Thursday, 7 May 2020

My cookie challenge

Today I was making a Cookie challenge video.
I found it hard to get the cookie in my mouth.
I found it easy to set my camera in the right spot.
Next time I would use a big cracker.