Thursday, 30 April 2020

My own superhero

Today I was making my own superhero.
I found it hard to take a photo of myself.
I found it easy to find the rubric cube on the explore tool.
Next time I would do a different one.

Life in my bubble

Today I was making a chart about an alphabet life in my bubble.

I found it easy to write things.
I found it hard to put it in the right slot and size.
Next time I will make it side by side so it is not that long.
ate pancakes
Bounced on the grass with my sister.
called my cousins
Danced while watching tv
Eat eggs.
Got lots of fruit.
Had lots of banana cake
Icing on cupcakes
Jogging outside
Kittens outside
Landing a paper plane
Made pikelets
Nest outside
Our dad signed up for a competition.
Playing on my computer
Quarter on the floor
Rain started to pour
Sunflower grew outside
Ten teddy bears.
Umbrella in the garage
Violin found in the shed 
Windows dirty 
X-ray photo found
Zip of the bean bag is broken

My Favourite recipe

  • 1 cup plain flour.
  • 1 tsp baking powder.
  • ¼ tsp salt.
  • 1 egg.
  • ¼ cup Chelsea white sugar.
  • ¾ cup of milk.
The method is :
Sift flour, baking powder, and salt into a bowl.
In another bowl beat egg and sugar until thick. Add with milk to the sifted ingredients. Mix until smooth.
Spoon tablespoon-full amounts onto a hot greased griddle or nonstick frying pan. Turn pikelets over when bubbles start to appear on the surface. Cook until golden.

Bubble profile

My Mum likes doing her work and watching her shows

My Dad likes watching the news on his phone and cooking.

My Sister likes watching Peppa pig all day long on our tv.

I like doing stuff on my Chromebook such as playing games, sending emails, and coding a little bit.

My own story

Once upon a time, there was a Gruffalo named buffalo.

Buffalo lived under a bridge.

Buffalo loved going in the water and swimming.

Buffalo's problem was he had big horns that scared everyone and that was the reason why nobody wants to be his friend.

One day he went to the shop and told his story to a girl that was also lonely. Then the girl told her story and they became friends. The buffalo invited her to his house.

The next day the girl came to the place where the buffalo had told her. She found buffalo and they started talking and talking until the end of the day.

Now they both have a friend to talk to.

The End.

My maori words

Today I learned one word and phrase in Maori.
I found it hard to make the words colorful.
I found it easy to find the meaning of the word.
Next time I would add new words and phrases.

Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Lightning the sky with rasberry pi

Today I was reading a book online about lighting the sky with Rasberry pi.
I found it hard to answer the second to last question.
I found it easy to read the book and answer the rest of the questions.
Next time I will show the questions that I got.

Friday, 24 April 2020

My national Anthem

Today I was making a video about the national anthem.
I felt very very nervous because it was my first time singing with my parents.
I found it easy to find the lyrics.
Next time I will do it with my whole family.

My fort

Today I was making an army hut.
I found it hard to set the sheets on top of my self.
I found it easy to lay the mattress and the chairs because I already thought of the plan.
Next time I will add more stuff inside my hut like guns and ammo.

Thursday, 23 April 2020

Anzac Jigsaw Puzzle

Today I was making an Anzac jigsaw puzzle.
I found it hard to find the correct pieces.
I found it easy to do the whole puzzle my second time.
Next time I will do a different puzzle.

This puzzle is reminding us of the soldiers that died in world war 1.

Anzac poster

Today I was learning about what is Anzac.
I found it easy to write the when and where.
I found it hard to write the who and what.
Next time I would add more detail and different words.

Wednesday, 22 April 2020


Today my teacher gave me a workout to do.
I found it easy to do the chest openers and trunk twists.
I found it hard to do the armless burpees and the toe touch jumps.
Next time I would try to do more than this time.

10 trunk twists
10 chest openers
10 march
10 toe touch

Real exercise:
1 minute
Armless burpees:15

30 seconds
star jumps:33
Toe touch jumps:24
Ski jumps: 32


Today I was creating a poster about a soldier.
I found it hard to make the soldier because I had to find the correct shape to make it.
I found it easy to write the words because I had already watched the video.
Next time I will add different stuff to my soldier and my text.

Anzac Day Acrostic peom

Anzac is dying which is very very sad.
Not many soldiers are alive in the war.
Zillions of people are extremely in danger.
Australia and New Zealand army corps. 
Coldwater in the trenches.

Dirt around all the soldiers.
Anzac day will always be remembered in peoples hearts.
Yelling is coming from the trenches.

Today I was creating an Acrostic poem on Anzac day.

I found it easy to add colour to the words.

I found it hard to think of the correct words that I could write down on a google doc.

Next time I will add different words and include new sentences.

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Taskmaster Project

Today I was doing a taskmaster project in which I took alphabetical things and put it on top of other things.
EG: Apron, book, cards, dollar, electric wire, fly killer, green paper, hat, iPhone, jar, key, leaf, medicine, nail, onion, potato, rubrics cube, spoon, thread, and unicorn hairband.

I found it easy to collect the materials because my Mum helped me.

I found it hard to stack them all up on top of each other because it took lots of time to do it.

In total, I got 20 things.

Next time I would add different things.

Anzac Biscuits

Today I was making Anzac biscuits because it was one of my task's on my online learning.

I found it hard to measure the ingredients because it was my first time making them.

I found it easy to make the balls and flatten them.

Next time I will measure the ingredients by myself because today I used some of my mum's help.

Monday, 20 April 2020

Anzac- Critical thinking

Today i was reading two stories about anzac soldiers at war.
I found it hard to fill in the bit about the author.
I found it easy to write what was same.
Next time i will add different facts.

A prayer for the Anzac's

Dear God,
Please bless those soldiers that died in ww2{ world war 2} and those nurses that had a lot of jobs to do. Please also bless those children that were alone without their families with them. 

Today i had to write a prayer about the anzac because it said on my tasks.

I found it hard to think what to write the words because i had to think a lot.

I found it easy to write it on a docs document.

Next time i would add a bit more information.

Saturday, 18 April 2020

My camouflage video

Today in was making a video for the taskmaster camouflage.
I found it hard to set up the teddy's because we had to find them from very sneaky places that only my sister knew.
I found it easy to make the video because my mum helped me with it.
Next time I will choose a different hiding spot.

Friday, 17 April 2020

Easter Acrostic poem

E aster is a fun festival for children.
A nd they eat chocolate Easter eggs every
S unday morning.
T he sun is bright on that day.
E verywhere chocolate is hidden, but 
R emember not to eat too much chocolate, or else      you will get sick.  

Stained Glass Window

Thursday, 16 April 2020

Easter Isolation weekend

Today I woke up at six and I was extremely excited for Easter. I was so excited that I woke my little sister up too and gave myself and her a Chocolate Easter egg. Then we decided that we would hide the rest of the eggs and wake our parents so they would find them. We quickly headed to their room and woke them up.

We had a bit of chat then me and my sister said “ Mum and Dad can you come into the kitchen”. They quickly came and to their surprise there were no Easter eggs left. So I told them we hid them inside the house and you guys had to find them. I couldn’t even finish my sentence and they were already finding them. 

After one hour of finding we counted the Easter eggs that my parents found. There were exactly thirty chocolate Easter eggs. While my parents were finding the eggs, me and my sister were watching Tv. We finally asked our parents if we were allowed one more. They said “ Don’t have one, have two”. We were so happy. Then we spent the whole day doing fun activities. The End

Wednesday, 15 April 2020

The Easter Tradition's

The ant and the grasshopper

Today I was reading a book about The ant and a grasshopper. It was all about ants that worked hard in summer and got a wonderful winter.  The grasshoppers didn't work hard in the summer, so they had to work for the ants in the winter, as a punishment from the ants. Then the grasshopper learnt a lesson and did hard work too. If they had been nice to each other and worked together in summer, they could spend quality time together in winter. This also combines with the words "Hard work pays off". Jesus also said that be nice to others and they will be nice to you.